LITTLE ROCK, AR – Technology is helping local organizations expand their efforts to empower people who are blind and visually impaired not only in person but also through computer screens. He said it became.
Eric Yarbury, CEO of World Service for the Blind, said that by offering online classes, they were able to reach more people in need of their services across the country.
“Online access and technology access allows us to serve more people,” Yarberry said.
Yarberry said their campus is also a rehabilitation center and has 40 residential clients and 30 online class takers.
“We help people learn how to live independently, travel, cook, clean and lead normal lives,” Yarberry said.
Although he went blind at three months old, he said it was special to be part of an organization that has helped thousands of people since it was first founded 75 years ago.
“Visual impairment is life-changing, and we want to help the people we serve overcome it,” Yarberry said.
Rob Helms is a former client of the program and said the program changed his life.
“I had purpose again. I had lost purpose until I got to WSB,” Helms said. “As a man and a father, I had completely given up at the point I lost my vision. I got shot with a 12 gauge in 2003.”
After coming to the center, he says his life started to improve.
“Honestly, with a program like this, you can get in and get out pretty quickly,” Helms said.
The organization offers classes on multiple topics including life and career skills, technology, and more.
“I had never touched a computer before coming to WSB,” Helms said. “My computer skills have improved and I just started work in January.”
He said anyone who is blind or visually impaired can change their life for the better through the support they find through this program.
“I don’t feel like a burden anymore. It’s taken a lot of weight off my shoulders,” Helms said. “I knew this before I went to WSB, but now I have more self-respect.”
If you would like to know more, please click here Website (WSBlind.org).
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