Westshore Terminals Investment (TSE:WTE) Full Year 2023 Results
Main financial results
Revenue: C$381 million (31% increase compared to 2022).
Net income: C$116.6 million (74% increase compared to 2022).
Profit margin: 31% (up from 23% in FY2022). The increase in margin was driven by an increase in revenue.
EPS: CAD 1.86 (up from CAD 1.06 in 2022).
All numbers shown in the chart above are for the trailing 12 month (TTM) period.
Westshore Terminal Investment Revenues and Profit Exceeded Expectations
Sales exceeded analysts’ expectations by 4.0%. Earnings per share (EPS) also exceeded analyst expectations by 1.1%.
Looking forward, revenues are expected to decline by an average of 8.0% per year over the next three years, while the Global Infrastructure industry’s revenues are expected to grow by 7.7%.
market performance Canada.
The company’s stock price is almost unchanged from a week ago.
risk analysis
Before I summarize, I discovered the following: 1 warning sign for investing in Westshore Terminals What you need to know.
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