Linda’s Bar and Grill will close next Friday 47 years of business.
Christopher Carini He bought Linda’s in 2011 and said the restaurant was closed due to “a variety of events” starting with the COVID-19 pandemic.he Said He added that the restaurant has accumulated a large amount of debt over the past few years and legal issues prevent him from selling the restaurant after it closes.
Mr. Carini also said he was hopeful that a buyer might come forward to purchase the building in order to “save” Linda’s home.
“Once I shut it down, I don’t have access to it anymore. It’s like out of my control,” he said. “So I’m hoping that at some point this week someone will come up to me and say, ‘Hey, I’ve always wanted to live here.’
Carini has started a GoFundMe This fall, the restaurant raised $35,125 of its $135,000 goal.
He said Linda’s had “turned a corner,” but after UNC’s fall semester ended and students went home three weeks ago, the store didn’t have enough customers to stay open. .
“This weekend we realized that what we got from last week wasn’t going to get us into next week,” he said.
Linda’s is holding its final event this week — Trivia Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 8 p.m. and karaoke Friday at 9pm
“We’re going to be talking trivia for the next few nights. We’re going to do karaoke on Friday. And once karaoke is over on Friday, we’ll be closed,” Carini said. Said.
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