How to maximize your potential in the new year

I first learned about the 20 hour rule a year ago and thought it was rubbish. He couldn’t believe how easy it was to learn any new skill with just 20 hours of practice.
It wasn’t until I tried it myself that my way of thinking changed drastically. Now I believe this can be a game-changer for everyone.
Learning new skills changes the way you see yourself and the way you interact with the world. If you’re feeling stuck in your journey, it might be a new skill you need to learn to reach the next level.
These are Albert Einstein’s famous words.Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. Those who understand it earn it…those who don’t understand it pay it.”
Learn new things and acquire new skills Compound into us through the work we put out into the world.
We are a collection of behaviors, and a set of microskills underpins everything we do. Learning new skills changes the way you and others see you. It can make the difference between people who are bad at investing and people who are good at investing, or between people with no charisma and people with charisma.
Yes, you can learn how to be more charismatic. We just need to analyze what charisma means in a set of microskills. You need to do what charismatic people do. This means learning to look people in the eye when greeting them, shake their hands firmly, and call them by their first name. These actions will help you build more charismatic relationships.
The same is true when it comes to increasing humor. Learning how to be funny is a skill that can be developed. One way he does this is by attending an improvisation class. I know it helped me. Not only will it make you think hard and get you out of your comfort zone, you will also learn how to be funny – how to create humor in the gap between expectations. Just need to practice it.
The 20 hour rule is simple. It states that it takes approximately 20 hours of deliberate, focused practice to fully master a new skill. 20 hours won’t make you an expert, but it’s enough to become proficient at a new skill.
I’ve wanted to start writing blog posts about management and leadership for about 10 years, but I never got around to it. It took a lot of effort to get started. Something was holding me back. I found excuses like I needed more time, I didn’t have enough experience, I didn’t know what to write, etc.
Behind all these excuses was the real reason: I was afraid of failing in public. What will other people think of my writing? What if it doesn’t work?
When trying something new for the first time, It must be difficult, and you’ll suck it. You have to keep going because it will definitely get better.
We all fear failing in public. The more you experiment in an area, the harder it becomes to start something new.
This hinders the growth of many people. When you’re young, you’re probably bad at most things, so you have to face challenges to get better because it gets easier. There is no other way. Once you reach proficiency in a particular field, it’s easy to stay there.
We are creatures of comfort. We avoid starting something new or returning to the initial unpleasant journey.
We have to force ourselves to start something new every few years. I know very successful people who try to reinvent themselves once every five years, and I think that has a lot to do with their success.
Being comfortable with discomfort allows you to take advantage of new opportunities.
You’ll be less afraid to start. It’s like a muscle you train. You don’t have to change your entire career. Start learning to play an instrument, become a coach, or learn a new language.
Many people are stuck on the path they want to take because they realize they are not good at X. X stands between you and where you want to go. They last for years and sadly trade short-term pain for long-term gain.
The 20-hour rule is not about just practicing in a vacuum. It involves deliberate practice, assessment, and skill improvement. There are some specific stages that need to be followed for learning to take place.
decide if you really want to do it
You need to be clear about your feelings about whether you want to try this and whether you are willing to put in the work. It may be interesting to you, but not enough to pursue. That’s great and the case is solved. No need to regret it. You deliberately decided not to pursue this and just spent your time doing other things.
In my case, I decided to try my hand at writing. I set a goal to write an article every few weeks. We had to coordinate multiple teams to ship new products while revamping our tech stack and developing a new UI for the Fitbit app. I didn’t have much time to write, so I needed an achievable goal. It seemed possible to publish an article once every two to three weeks.
There will be discomfort.just push through
Starting something new is always difficult. No one wants to feel like a beginner, especially after getting good at something. Find the time of day when you have the most energy to work through the discomfort.
I knew it would be difficult. You feel uncomfortable and irritated, and it takes energy to get through it. One thing that worked for me was that twice a week, right after I woke up, he scheduled 1.5 hours.
When starting a business, use your time when you have the most energy and push through the discomfort. Try to set up your environment in a way that works for you.
My rule was to block out that time just to write. I wasn’t allowed to do anything else, I could stare at the ceiling, but I couldn’t have any other distractions like social media, video games, watching TV, or other work.
In the face of sheer boredom, I forced myself to write. This was a good way to remove distractions from my surroundings so I wouldn’t find excuses not to work.
need to reflect and evaluate
You don’t have to do something for 20 hours and expect it to magically work out. There’s more to come. You need time to reflect on your work and evaluate your progress. This feedback loop is invaluable. Because without it, you won’t be able to improve.
I used to follow other writers and observe their techniques. I also gave a draft of my article to a friend for a second opinion. I use apps like Grammarly and Hemingway to receive suggestions for my writing.
You need to develop a sense of what success looks like in what you do. That way, you can course-correct and become better.
Find ways to improve
When tackling a new field, every idea is valuable. Almost anyone with some experience in this field can teach you something important. The more you develop your skills, the more you have to filter things and ask questions.
Besides what I mentioned, I didn’t hesitate to google how to write better articles and insights on this topic.
After 20 hours, the first thing that happens is that you don’t need to put in the same amount of energy to continue. You just have to do it if you want to do it. You will also have a better understanding of what success looks like and what the next level is.
At this point you can decide if you want to continue pursuing it or if you want to change it. The problem with making this decision before you hit the 20-hour mark is that you don’t know if you dropped something just because it was uncomfortable or because you didn’t want to do it.
After spending 20 hours writing and publishing a few articles, I realized I enjoyed it. Apart from coding, I’ve discovered new activities that keep me in a flow state for hours on end.
As you start the new year, think about what new skills you’d like to acquire to improve your career, health, and relationships. These can make a big difference in your life.
What’s next? I want to learn sales. Acquiring sales skills may open up a variety of future possibilities. Navy Ravikant said, “Learn to sell and make. If you can do both, you’ll be unstoppable.”
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