Written by Addison Campbell
This semester at the University of Indianapolis, Graduate Business Program Director Eric Harvey, Marketing Practice Assistant Professor Carissa Newton, and Crystal Grave ’99 collaborated to create a workbook that students can use in their applied marketing classes (MKTG 495 )). The purpose of this course was to teach students how to manage a marketing agency that would later support the social media accounts of the UIndy Graduate School of Business.
At the beginning of the semester, students were divided into different teams based on their interests, including project managers, copywriters, designers, analysts, and team leaders. By organizing your students into teams, you can now begin planning and executing your social media campaign. Students received assistance from Crystal Grave with the vendor process, and he received assistance from the UIndy Office of Communications and Marketing to provide detailed information on applying university brand elements and some of the social media do’s and don’ts. I received it.
Students in the Applied Marketing class also received visits from several experts in the field, including Jennifer Lisak-Golding, owner of Sapphire Strategies, and Rachel Boyle, social media manager at OneAmerica. Having these guest speakers allowed students to learn more about different career opportunities and get feedback on how social media campaigns work in the real world.
At the end of the semester, students gave a formal presentation on university and business school leadership. Working with this agency gave the students the perfect environment to not only learn but practice social media marketing, and their hard work and dedication paid off. Due to the success of this class, the Applied Marketing Simulation class (MKTG 497) was introduced. I plan to manage an agency next and would like to obtain a Hubspot certificate.
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