A federal housing assistance program could be of great help to Cape Island families facing the challenges of high housing costs, slow wage growth, and seasonal employment. Eligibility for the program is based on income and local rental rates.
For one single mother of a teenager who lives in our neighborhood, the income part of the equation became an issue. Now that her children are older and her child care costs have decreased, she has transitioned to full-time work. With her additional income, her rent has increased by her 50%.
Our neighbor needed help to bridge the gap until he received his new paycheck. She contacted the Cape Cod Times Needy Fund and thanks to your generous donations, she was able to receive the help she needed. She expressed her gratitude from the bottom of her heart and said she felt more optimistic about her family’s future.
What is the Cape Cod Times Needy Fund?
The nonprofit Cape Cod Times Needy Fund has provided emergency financial assistance to thousands of Cape Codders and Islanders since 1936. This assistance is made possible through the continued generosity of neighbors helping neighbors.
The Needy Fund provides short-term emergency assistance to Cape and Island residents to enable them to go to work or remain in their homes. People in need submit requests for assistance to the Needy Fund, which then pays for goods and services, such as medical expenses, through a voucher system. Needy Fund recipients receive no cash.
How to donate to the Needy Fund
Tax-deductible donations can be made online here.
Checks payable to Cape Cod Times Needy Fund should be mailed to: Cape Cod Times Needy Fund, PO Box 36, Hyannis, MA 02601.
How to receive hardship fund assistance
If you need assistance, please contact the Needy Fund at 508-778-5661 or 800-422-1446.
Questions can be emailed to info@needyfund.org. Needy Fund is also on Facebook (facebook.com/NeedyFund) and X (formerly Twitter) @NeedyFund.
Donors of Needy Funds
This season’s fundraising goal is $1.6 million, and every donation helps. Thank you to everyone who donated to the Cape Cod Times Needy Fund.
Total donations to date: $1,609,000.50
Doe Family Foundation; $50,000
St. George Greek Orthodox Church 2023 Annual Charity Golf Tournament, $30,000
Free Foundation; $20,000
Cape Cod 5 Foundation, $20,000.
Cape Cod Foundation Targeted Capacity Grant; $20,000
National Grid and Cape and Islands United Way Fuel Assistance; $15,000
Cape Cod Foundation EOHED Grant; $14,000
Yorkie Foundation; $10,000
Cape Cod Cooperative Bank Charitable Foundation Trust, $7,500
$5,000 in honor of Emily Rose and John Gregory
American Online Giving Foundation, Inc.;$2,181.20
Mary M. Wells; $1,500
Ronald and Mary McCullough; $1,450
Cape Cod Alarm Co.; $1,200
Karina Reynolds; $1,200
Loretta Kennedy; $1,200
Teresa Cullen; $1,200
Granger family; $1,000
Charles Storer; $1,000
Anonymous; $1,000
Karen and John Townsend; $1,000
Nicholas G. Sialhos Memorial Foundation Fund; $1,000
John and Margo Newcombe; $700
Gregory Schnipke; $618
In memory of Joseph and Doris Barker; $618
Susan Fletcher; $618
Deborah A. DeMello; $600
Gene McDonald; $600
Susan C. Leavitt; $600
Brewster Bayside Dippers, White, $560
Gene Morrison; $550
Anonymous; $500
Elizabeth Cormier; $420
Jennifer Carlton;$420
Jay and Eileen Giles; $400
Mary Ann Moore;$395.52
In memory of my husband, Richard G. Robb; $386.25
Robert and Cindy Thompson; $372
Nancy and Charlie Curtis; $369
Dennis and Deborah Mason; $350
28 club patrons; $310
Sara Lotkavich; $309
In memory of my brother; $309
Eleanor Brennan;$300
Robert and Mary Smith; $300
Adrian and Christopher Cormier; $300
Don and Dennis McIsaac; $300
Karen and Frances Sayers; $300
Margaret Witham;$300
Sean Morrison; $300
Anonymous; $300
Cindy Ciavara;$257.50
King Family;$252.35
Santa Claus; $250
In memory of JLM Coughlin by Jerry Coughlin and Sally Coughlin; $250
Robert Hawes; $250
Mark and Diane Boudreau, $250
David Blanchett; $250
Stephen Bartlett; $250
Barbara Draper; $240
Billy and David Cupp, $240
David Smith; $240
Jeffrey Dobro; $240
Mary Steed;$225
Stephen Aiken;$225
Thomas and Cynthia Carey; $225
Charles and Mary McCarthy; $220
Paypal Charitable Donation Fund;$207.66
Louise Innis; $50
$50 in honor of Kevin Deeley
Erica Worthdorp;$123.60
Brian and Karen Dixon; $120
Bartosik family; $40
Joan and Richard Coughlin; $100
In loving memory of the Dennehy family’s sari; $77
$100 in memory of Margaret Memel.
Mr. and Mrs. Brian Barr Japsen, in honor of Gabriel “Gabe” George Hudson, $50.
Susan Mohler; $120
Edward and Catherine Simiski; $200
Donna Grohe;$180
Ted and Jacqueline Deckle; $123.60
William Holcomb and Delma Rose; $100
William and Beth Coue; $52
Kathleen Murphy; $34
In memory of Doc, John and Robert of Lorraine B;$25
Gene Kinkead;$120
Mary and Charlotte Harris; $100
In memory of Derek Williams from Sarah Williams; $200
From Bob Yuke in memory of Mary; $100
Elliot Strahl; $120
William Babcock; $100
In memory of our beloved parents from Carol and Dave Carlson; $75
Julian and John Thrasher; $50
Anne F. O’Malley; $100
Harold and Linda; $50
Sean and Mary Hatch; $100
Rachel Buzbee;$25
In memory of Margot and Margaret Moran; $50
Francis Griffith; $50
Rebecca Dierks; $103
In memory of Nancy Batchelder; $139.05
Bill and Ann’s Best; $100
Darren Grieve;$139.05
From Duncan, Sam, Max and Owen Rumler; $40
Leslie and Ted Zico; $200
Dennis Dever; $200
Mary E. Anderson;$30
Don and Judy Bonci in memory of Mary Bonci; $75
Anne Duffy;$80
SoCal Girl;$30
Advance payment; $92.70
Susan Giele;$120
Linda Roderick;$50
Christina and William DeCocost; $100
Anonymous; $100
Karen Wiltanen;$50
$50 in honor of Fran Driscoll
Richard and Joyce Hayes; $50
Yarmouth First Congregational Church Annual Christmas Fair; $92.50
Pat and Ray Wysocki; $200
Mary McCarthy; $100
CPR; $139.05
In memory of Rita Schineler; $38.66
Dorothy and Joseph Connors; $25
Charlie and Donna Neves; $100
Bonnie Catena;$84
Anonymous; $200
Erica Worsdorp and Patrick McNamara; $113.30
William and Janet Brennan, $200
Nancy and Wilhelmus Vanderhoeven; $50
Kelly Hall; $100
Brian Lane; $120
Elizabeth Dawes;$82.40
Keenan Dubay; $100
$100 from Beth, Karen, Meg, Rob and Matt in memory of Joe, Susan, Richard and Louise.
Priscilla Wholey;$50
William and Susan Barry; $100
Alaina Maio;$51.50
Douglas Wilcock in memory of Mary Haynes; $200
Timothy Zack;$61.80
Leslie and Susan Koch; $180
In memory of Tommy; $25
James and Linda Bunton, $100
Not fashion; $120
Parents of Mary and Robert, $200
Gloria Aker; $25
Janine Bandiero; $25.75
Pat Henderson;$10
Joanne Emery;$100
Bruce and Sue Reader House; $100
Lauren Thibert Wells; $50
Anne and Carl Melone; $108.15
$50 in memory of Sylvia and Sandy August
In memory of Arthur Mallows, $100 from David and Darcy Mallows.
Gregory and Charlotte Hazel; $150
Helen G. Linehan;$90
Britt Anderson; $120
Carol Rennie;$60
Sheila Place; $50
Gary and Doris Moe; $123.60
Joseph and Brenda Burke; $25
Gerald Magner; $10
Mary Florio-Ochoa; $25
Carol Jo Santangelo; $60
Andrea Nevins Fernandez; $50
In memory of John D. Koehler from Eleanor Koehler; $100
Carol Panassi and Mark Pasquini; $50
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