Since its inception in 1986, the Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund has raised and distributed $192 million to help house, care for and nourish Bay Area residents. All administrative costs are covered by the San Francisco Chronicle and the Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund.
Major Donors 2023-2024
Leadership Circle
Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund
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Arthur and Toni Rembe Rock
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Michele and John McNellis, in memory of Jackie A. Young
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The Sidney Schonfeld Foundation, in memory of Marie Lima Schonfeld
Irwin and Concepción Federman, in memory of Sheila Federman and Todd Valiente Woodman
Jennifer Hobart and Michael Katz, in honor of Melvin Katz and Barbara Smith
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Lillian Lincoln Foundation, in memory of Lillian Lincoln Howell
Connie and Bob Lurie, in memory of Evie and Wally
John Pritzker Family Fund
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The Falik family, in memory of Harry Falik
William Fries II Foundation
John and Marcia Goldman Foundation
More about Season of Sharing
Since its inception in 1986, the Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund has raised and distributed $192 million to help house, care for and nourish Bay Area residents. All administrative costs are covered by the San Francisco Chronicle and the Evelyn and Walter Haas Jr. Fund, so 100% of donations go directly to help people facing crises. For more information or to donate, visit www.seasonofsharing.org/donate.
Denise Smith, in memory of Dave Smith
Betsy and Roy Eisenhardt, in memory of Walter A. Haas Jr. and Evelyn Danzig Haas
Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund
Colleen and Robert D. Haas, in memory of Walter A. Haas Jr. and Evelyn Danzig Haas
Julie and Walter J. Haas, in memory of Walter A. Haas Jr. and Evelyn Danzig Haas
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Bill and Susan Oberndorf Foundation
The Bernard Osher Foundation
Anonymous San Francisco family
The Ingrid D. Tauber Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund
William van Melle and Patricia Ho
Wendell Family Foundation
Ginnie and Peter Haas Jr.
Anonymous, in honor of Sally Lilienthal
Craig and Terri Rubenstein
Beatrix and Michael Seidenberg
Ray and Dagmar Dolby Fund
The Eucalyptus Foundation
Anonymous, in honor of good people
Kazan McClain Partners’ Foundation
The Keker family, in loving memory of Tina Keker
Matthew Kelly Family Foundation
Catherine Merrill, in honor of Bijou Shell
Cristina Morgan, in memory of Steve Bergren
Richard Nagler and Sheila Sosnow, in memory of Quinn Van Bergen
William and Renée Rothmann, in memory of Edwin Berkowitz, Bob Friend, Barbra Brooks and Eleanor Johns
Ben Schafer, in memory of Jill Schafer
Morris Stulsaft Foundation
Tara VanDerveer and Amy Tucker
Elise K. Haas, in memory of Walter A. Haas Jr. and Evelyn Danzig Haas
Walter A. Haas, III, in memory of Walter A. Haas Jr. and Evelyn Danzig Haas
Ira Hirschfield and Tom Hansen, in memory of Walter A. Haas Jr. and Evelyn Danzig Haas
Paul Levine, in memory of Jerome and Doris Levine
Ivan and Maris Meyerson, in memory of Morley Meyerson
Pamela and Christopher Rupright
Michael and Susan Schwartz Fund
Community Circle
Natasha Bell and Christopher Cherney
Char Blackford, in memory of Michael Blackford and Tim Toohig
Michael Blake and Barbara Howald, in memory of Walter A. Haas Jr. and Evelyn Danzig Haas
Candelaria Fund, in memory of Betsy and Locky Tower
Frankel Family Foundation
Fred, May, Jennifer, Brian and Opal
Constance Hiatt and Sara Kathleen Doster, M.D.
Matt and Margaret Jacobson
Helen T. King Revocable Trust
John A. and Miriam Mangini, in memory of George Converse
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew W. Moyce, in memory of Roger Gatlin
Mark W. and Mauree Jane Perry, in honor of Catherine Stefani
Emily Scott and Rick Bolanos
Connie and Kevin Shanahan
Craig Bacharach, in memory of Melvin, Vera and Sheryl Bacharach
Dr. Karl and Mary Beutner
Braddock Family Foundation
Robert and Alice Bridges Foundation
Janet and Micah Broude, in memory of Marion and Harold Baer and Judith and Samuel Broude
Michael and Lee Callaham, in memory of our parents
Lilly Chan Frawley, in honor of Frog and Toad
Marti and Steve Diamond Foundation, in memory of the Cornejo family
Anne and Jerry Down, in memory of David Elder
Lynn Feintech and Anthony Burnhardt
Anonymous, in memory of Gustav Dalla Valle
Robert Gilchrist, in memory of Lise Gilchrist
Anonymous, in honor of Ira Hirschfield and Tom Hansen
Anonymous, in memory of Ronald Hochede
Fred Karren, in memory of Beth Karren
Richard Keenan and Kathleen McNamara
Michael Lewis, in honor of Joan Lewis and in memory of Hal Lewis
Alexander M. and June L. Maisin Foundation of the Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund
Laureston and Barbara McLellan
Anonymous, in memory of Mickey Newman
Roger Odenberg and Cathleen McCafferty Family Fund
Melinda and Peter Riechert
Bev Scott and Courtney, in honor of our San Francisco family and friends
Pamela Sebastian, in memory of John and Bear Sebastian
Robert and Kathleen Skinner
Todd Sklar and Lynn Mezzatesta, in memory of our parents
Beverly and Bruce Stamper
Pat Stein and Linda Scott, in memory of Gloria Seich and Bill Scott
Robert K. and Barbara Straus Family Foundation
Tikkun Olam Foundation, Inc., in honor of Ira Hirschfield and Bill Nagel
Neighborhood Circle
Yvette Assia and George Breslauer, in memory of Rony Assia
Anonymous, in honor of Amy, Cristina, Dan and Mara
Catherine and Frank Bator, in memory of Joyce Stupski
Bay Street Helping Hands, in memory of Ron Noland
Susan Bradshaw, in memory of Bill Haerle
Margaret and Henry Brodkin
Ellie and Theodore Brown, in memory of Fred Karren
Nancy J. Brown-Williamson, in memory of J. Bradford Williamson and R. Brady Williamson
Michael Bush and Melba Wu, in memory of Cleo Bush
Christine Doyle and Michael Yessik
Gail Eiselman, in memory of Gerry Eiselman
Sarah Eisenhardt, with love, in honor of Roy and Betsy Eisenhardt
Sarah Eisenhardt, with love, in memory of Walter A. Haas Jr. and Evelyn Danzig Haas
Linda Erkelens, in memory of Prue Kaley
Elizabeth Ferguson, in memory of James Ferguson
Ron and Charlene Friedman
Stephen K. Gerard, in memory of Trudy Lionel
Constance M. Goodyear and Barry C. Baron
Adriana Gores and John Lamm
Lorrie and Richard Greene
Denise Hale, in memory of Prentis Cobb Hale
Peter and Harriet Hanauer
The Edwards E. Hills Fund
Alan Hobesh and Kerry McLean
Catherine Horngren, in memory of Charles and Joan Horngren
Tucker and Charmly Ingham
Robert Izmirian and Suzanne Smith, in memory of Luther and Grace Izmirian
Julie Jaeger, in loving memory of Bill
Dennis and Paula Jaffe, in honor of Greg and Roz Tolson’s Big Birthdays
Roz Kahn and Family, in memory of Don Kahn
Brian Kreischer and Sarah Maxwell
David Kremer and Marla Miller
Nancy Kukkola, in memory of Dennis Kukkola
Jody LeWitter and Marc Van Der Hout
Anonymous, in memory of Rev. Paul and Elfrieda Malte
Anonymous, in memory of Tracy Matsumoto
The Joseph and Mercedes McMicking Foundation
M. Sheila Merritt and Robert D. Mass Family Fund
John and Arlette Monfredini Foundation
Anonymous, in memory of Daniel J. and Mary Moriarty
Mark Morris and Karen Weil
Susan Morris, in memory of Mark Morris and Bob and Barbara Smith
Anonymous, in memory of my grandfathers and grandmother
Anonymous, in honor of my kids and their kids
Frank and Lois Noonan, in memory of Sean Noonan Moylan
Janet and Jim Richman, in memory of our parents
Nancy Rynd and Tom Ahrens, in memory of Ruth and Chris Rynd
Thom and Georgia Schuttish
Gary Smith and Jamienne Studley
Marjorie Swig, in honor of Dick and Carol Nathan
Marjorie Swig, in memory of Tom Moffett
Susan Taylor and Bob Fabry
Henry Timnick, in memory of my mother, Ottilie Timnick
Roberto Tooey Urquia Charitable Fund, in honor of Albert Augustus Tooey
Anonymous, in memory of the Two Rubys and P
Jennie Watson and Ippolito Lucchesi, in memory of Walter A. Haas Jr. and Evelyn Danzig Haas
Sylvia Yee and Brian McCaffrey, in memory of Walter A. Haas Jr. and Evelyn Danzig Haas
Greg and Jodi Young, in honor of Acalanes Dons Football
Amy Ackerman and Robert Wexler
Dale Barnes and Ellen Rosenstein
Anonymous, in memory of Roger and Mary Baroody, Betty and Bill Niland, Marge Tierney, Sally and Jim Robinson, Jean and Joe Podrasky, Michel Pipes, Travis Mann, Andy Jackson, Eloise Pedersen, Eleanor Clark and John Heller
Bruce Bernhard and Judi Sui, in memory of our mothers
Rena Bransten, in memory of Evelyn Haas
Ronald and Susan Choy, in honor of our families
Lucia Christopher and Ken Smith
James and Nancy Coriston, in memory of Thomas T. Fitzmyers
David Costa and Gary Furlong
William DeGoff and David Lally, in memory of Vicki DeGoff
Ann Dey, in honor of Lydia Bransten
Joseph Ellin and Jacqueline Aiken
Wayne and Leslee Feinstein, in memory of Ben Feinstein
Scott Fink and Kathy Klein
James and Jessica Fleming
James Franicevich and Eugene Rodriguez
Robert L. Fulton, in memory of Valerie Rose Fulton
Linda and Jerry Goldstone
Michael Gothelf, in memory of Laurel Littman Gothelf
Jacqueline Grissom, in memory of Joseph F. Vilardi
Rita M. Guiney, in honor of Colleen, Bob and Elise Haas
Charlotte Haas Prime and Josh Prime, in memory of Walter A. Haas Jr. and Evelyn Danzig Haas
Marina Hardeman, in memory of Mike Hardeman
Hollis Harris and Tim Tomashek
Joyce Hawkins and Jack Sweitzer
Terence K. and Carin C. Hird
Deborrah Hussey and Eric Knapp
Insight Memory Care Choices
Karen Ivy and James Ringland
Pius and Christel Kampfen
Brian and Catherine Kane, in honor of the Millers and the Samsons
Saundra Keyes, in memory of David Vernon Keyes
Beverly Kinney and Tom Rinaldi, in memory of our parents
Anonymous, in memory of Ida Koehn and Josephine Rovetta
Dr. and Mrs. James T. Krejci, in memory of our lovely daughter, Nikki Krejci Merritt
Anonymous, in memory of Karl Lauer, Greta and Rolf Koch
Level Construction Supply, LLC
Laura Mahanes and Steve Weissman
Pat Mandel, in memory of Ann Dalziel Hobson
Lois and Gary Marcus, in memory of Selma and Mose Marcus and Ruth Weiland
Leslie and Bernard Martin
Shirley Matteson, in memory of Duncan Matteson
Bill and Candy Mitchell, in memory of Noelle Nelson
Robert Munday and Evamarie Doering
Michael J. Novak and Kathleen A. Murphy, in honor of Marisol T. Novak and Michael C. Novak
Kathy, Kelsey, Dana and Mark Oium
Nancy and Steven Oliver, Oliver and Company, Inc.
Ms. Patricia Perry and Dr. Stephen J. McPhee, in memory of David Perry McPhee
Anonymous, in memory of Ditter and Rene Peschcke-Koedt
Parker and Carol Phillips, in memory of Walter A. Haas Jr. and Evelyn Danzig Haas
Julie and Christopher Ridley
Wayne and Brenda Rodoni, in memory of Al and Ev Rodoni
Tracie Rowson, in memory of Trudee and Walt Rowson
Michael and Nancy Scribner
Anonymous, in memory of Father Tom Seagrave
Jennifer and Mike Shepard
Duane Silverstein and Marcia Stewart, in memory of Chris Curtis
Sylvia Smith and Stanley Kowalski
Suma Landscaping, in honor of Suma’s valued clients and friends
Stephen Tedesco and Pamela Tibbitts
Ann and Steve Terwilliger
Karol Uryga-Nawarowski Foundation
Kathleen Van Boven, in memory of Lee Van Boven
Marye Jayne Wallace, in memory of Tim Wallace
T.G. Zimmerman, in memory of my wife, Dale Marie Konetsky-Zimmerman
Bill Zonner, in memory of Jean Zonner
Sy Aal, in memory of Dr. and Mrs. Elliot Schneider
Anonymous, in memory of George D. Andros
Claire Axelrad and Mark Pahlavan
Bingham Kearns Charitable Fund
The Honorable Charles R. Breyer, in memory of Sydney Goldstein
California Math Festival Program, in honor of Nina Evelyn Ann Meeker
Stephany Cavalier Houghton
Richard Covert, in memory of John Covert
Brigitte Cullen, in memory of Virginia Siekly and Hans Krzywinski
Daniel and Susan Curran, in memory of George and Irene Curran
Mr. and Mrs. Michael Delman
Anonymous, in memory of George Domon
Jesse, Allison, and Alex Eisenhardt, in memory of Walter A. Haas Jr. and Evelyn Danzig Haas and Peter E. Haas
Anonymous, in memory of Peter G. Fitzgerald
Anonymous, in memory of Andrew Arvid Fredericks
Anonymous, in memory of Gertrude Ribakove Gabel
Richard and Sandra Gilbert Family Fund
Stephen and Judy Gizzi Charitable Fund
Eugene and Barbara Henry, in memory of Jon Henry Kouba
Andy Hrenyo and Rita Evans
Richard Michael Levine and Lucille Lang Day
Marian Li, in memory of Benay Von Husen and Mary Avery Hill
Anonymous, in memory of Jacqueline Mozer
Norma and Patrick Mulligan
Karl Olson and Carolyn Johnston, in memory of Leon and Reeva Olson and Mary and Kay Johnston
Gary and Barbara Parlapiano, in honor of the Parlapiano Family
Norman and Adrienne Schlossberg
Robert Schmalz, in memory of Caroline Schmalz
Doré Selix-Gabby, in memory of Sherman Selix, Rusty Selix, and James Gabby
Michael and Cathleen Simmons
Carla Soracco, in memory of Raymond Choy
Anonymous, in memory of Ricardo Valle
Jean Veit, in memory of Dee Yanni
Rosemary and Sheldon Wong
Charles and Marjorie York
Additional donations
Aarvaks Heating and Air Conditioning
Rita Bell, in memory of Stanley J. Bell
John M. Bryan Family Fund
Patricia Caldera and Peter Walter
Cathy Cha and Dara O’Rourke, in memory of Walter A. Haas Jr. and Evelyn Danzig Haas
Harry Chuck and Linda Lee
Cotchett, Pitre and McCarthy
Brian and Keridwen Dahm, in honor of ER nurses everywhere
Del-Camp Investments, Inc
Shelly, Peter and Sophia de Vries
Theodore Dimitre, in memory of Dorothy Dimitre
Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Dolin
Gregory and Marie Dunford
Joan Egrie, in honor of Virginia Brothers
Bernice Frucht, in memory of Philip Frucht
Lin and Mike Galliani-Baker, in memory of David Dent
Gabriel and Eva Gregoratos
Janet Grison, in memory of Robert Grison
Ben Hermalin and Ruth Konoff
Elaine A. Hilp, in memory of Harry Hilp Jr. and Hank Hilp
Paulette Johnson and Steve Waterman
Anonymous, in memory of Katie, Gregg, Kylie, Lucas, Camila, Jose, Kim, Andre, Mira Linh and Diego Tai
Diane Kepner, in memory of Bill Kepner
Alexa Knight, in memory of Jim Duley
Carole and Ted Krumland, the Harold and Mimi Steinberg Charitable Trust
Debbie Lee and James Armstrong
Robert Joseph Louie Memorial Fund
Diane Lynch, in memory of Leslie O. Lynch Jr.
Janice Mart, in memory of Eric “Ric” Mart
McKeever Realty, in memory of Maire and Val McKeever
Ann and Bill Moon, in memory of Ed and Fran Moon and George and Ada Warren
Melissa Nelken and Ronald D. Lee
Gerald O’Sullivan, in memory of Bea Hill and Pat O’Sullivan
Anonymous, in memory of Robby, Eve, Jimmy, Camila, Catarina, Danielle, Antonio, Marcella and Ruth Bustamente
Mary and Clifford Roberts
Maureen and Michael Samson
Steven and Sally Schroeder
Margaret and Contee Seely
Fern M. Smith, in memory of Dr. Ira Kanter
Harriet and Mitchell Sollod
Susan Stiller, in memory of Jane Mintz
Katrina Urbach and Timothy Crowley, in memory of Lilly M. Urbach
Melinda and Vahid Vahedi, in memory of Larry Grittin
Joseph C. Waxman and Susan M. Goldsmith
Judith Wilber and Bob Miller
Sarah Wilcox, in memory of Robert and Lois Kreuzberger
Nancy Wiltsek, in memory of Bobbi and Herb Wiltsek
Martha Winnacker, in memory of Stuart Pawsey
Roxanne Worthington and Tom Shiosaka
Amy Wright and Ed Batista
Anonymous donations in honor of:
Perry Garvin and Erin Paulson
Donald Burns and Senator Diane Feinstein
Helen Cande and Marjorie Spencer
Karen Ann Connolly Bettles
Mary Healy and Michael Brent
Cornelius and Margaret McCauley
Jane and Hubert Perry and Eugenia and Ben Garvin
Dr. Douglas Alfred Arthur Zahn
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