Leading experts come together in a virtual event to provide small business owners with business automation strategies for success
Chandler, Arizona, February 13, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — keepa leader in small business automation software, announced: growth & freedom summit will be held virtually February 23rd. This free event is a must-attend for small business leaders and teams looking for inspiration and practical guidance on their entrepreneurial journey. Speakers who have grown their businesses to millions of dollars in revenue include: crate maskCo-founder and CEO of Keap; donald millerCEO of Business Made Simple; pete vargasAdvance Your Reach CEO, robin robbinsTechnology Marketing Toolkit CEO; michael hyattNew York Times bestselling author and founder of Full Focus, and Rory Baydenco-founder of Brand Builders Group.
“The first-ever virtual Growth & freedom summitin connection with the launch of my new book, Conquer Chaos. 6 keys To the success of entrepreneurs.” crate mask, co-founder and CEO of Keap. “This event was founded to help entrepreneurs learn how to grow their businesses and achieve the freedom they desire using proven tools that automate sales, marketing, service, and operational processes. The book and this event are a direct reflection of my commitment to helping entrepreneurs succeed in their professional and personal lives. ”
growth & freedom summit Participation is free.Learn more and register for the event here.
crate mask The virtual event will kick off at 8:30 a.m. (US Time) upon February 23rd. Speakers will join via livestream throughout the day, bringing must-see business takeaways, practical automation strategies, and thought-provoking discussions for entrepreneurs.
growth and freedom summitvisit https://keap.com/growth-and-freedom-summit. To pre-order “Conquer the Chaos,” please visit: https://conquerthechaosbook.com.
About keep
For more than 20 years, Keap has helped liberate and empower small business entrepreneurs to strengthen their families, communities and the global economy. Keap is a pioneer in the sales and marketing automation software market and continues to innovate how small businesses can save time and grow revenue by automating processes and communications.Head office location Chandler, Arizona, the company is on a mission to simplify growth for 1 million entrepreneurs around the world by 2030. Keap is funded by Goldman Sachs. Bain Capital Ventures, Mall Davidow Ventures and Signal Peak Ventures.
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