Dear friend and colleagues,
Happy new year! This time last year, for the ninth year in a row, we warned that the outlook for our business had never been more uncertain. My message this year is exactly the same, but even better. The fog of unpredictability is once again wreaking havoc on the clear skies of planning.
We all know the term “permacrisis”. We’ve all heard of the acronym “.Vuka” refers to variability, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. We all understand that the Fourth Industrial Revolution is upon us. But my belief is that these three great forces have come together in an era I have dubbed “perpetuation.”
My contention is that there are three major persistent trends at work. One is artificial intelligence. This technology accelerates the pace of change. Don’t just take my word for it. The World Economic Forum thinks so too. A.I. It is so destructive that it can destroy destruction itself. If you’re having trouble understanding what this sentence means, don’t worry. You are not alone.
I appointed Denise Laplange to lead a new project to rapidly improve and enhance AI performance. I think you would find Dennis very welcoming. She and her PRAIRIE team will keep us fully updated on our usage plans. A.I. Late January. But for now, we encourage you to incorporate this technology into your own work.I often use chatGPT For example, saying “no” to a meeting invitation or giving a generic response to an email that isn’t really important. I hope you will follow my example. Let’s experiment. Let’s explore. Let’s play around with it.let’s EET.I need to use my hands A.I. Otherwise, you risk reaping a whirlwind of chickens coming back to roost.
I think some people are worried about what A.I. It may be for your own future. I tell you: you can’t make an omelet without breaking eggs. What if I answer that I don’t like omelettes? That’s completely ridiculous. Who doesn’t like omelettes? Anyway, I want to reassure you. A.I. It’s a way for all of us to become better at our jobs. This is unlikely to herald any immediate large-scale layoffs.
The second persistent trend is climate change.in police officerOn the 28th, I had the opportunity to speak with real people who are living with the effects of global warming. The experience was both humbling and inspiring. It made me realize that we need to do more in this area. As a company, we are making every effort to reduce our carbon footprint, but action alone is never enough. We need to be part of the conversation. That’s why today we’re so excited to announce the launch of our new #whatdoyousee? marketing campaign.
When you look in the mirror, you don’t just see a highly successful executive, someone who is driven to get the most out of themselves every day. I also have a father, ex-husband, brother, Peloton rider, vintage car collector, and global citizen. What do you see? Post your thoughts on social media (just kidding). You can also send us an email (see how to incorporate chat)GPT to my work).
The third sign of persistence is a lack of talent. When I say talent, I don’t mean employees in general. I’m talking about the right type of employee. That is, people who are willing to take big bets, go the extra mile, and see opportunity where others see only extreme risk. I’m talking about some of you.
I mentioned how uncertain and unstable everything is. That means you have to sprint as fast as you can to stop. But that’s not all. Responding to constant change also requires the agility of a mountain goat. And we need bat radar to detect upcoming changes. Now ask yourself the following questions: Have you ever seen a galloping goat bat? This gives you an idea of the scale of the challenge we all face.
I know this level of uncertainty can be disorienting and even scary. But unless you think outside the box and push the limits, you’ll never be able to capture lightning in a bottle.
Finally, my usual request. Be humble. I coined a brand new term in this message, not to gain fame or recognition as a deep thinker. I know I don’t have all the answers. Even if you have a great idea, there’s more to it than just moving forward with it. I first ask my direct reports if they think it’s a great idea and only act if they agree it’s a great idea. If you follow my example with humility, this company can survive the era of perpetuity. it will flourish.
Now until 2024! stew pid, CEO. ■
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