Last week was Public School Week. Although public education is not mentioned in the Constitution, it has always been part of the conversation in our country. We have repeatedly documented that our nation’s founders believed education was essential to sustaining democracy. To govern ourselves and maintain our rights, we need to acquire the knowledge to do so. I even said it was essential to what we now call the American Dream. They felt that education was something that the people should invest in. Because there is a public interest in ensuring that all citizens, regardless of their means, have access to learning.
Coincidentally, we as Linmar community members are tasked with continuing that legacy by voting to continue investing in the PPEL Fund, which is used to maintain and improve our facilities and equipment. This keeps our schools healthy and welcoming and ensures that all students receive the important education our founders spoke about.
Based on the average price of a home in the Linn-Mar area, the average individual contribution is less than $11 per month. Personally, I can’t think of a better way to get a better return on investment with money in my pocket than sending that money to school. It’s not just my children’s future, it’s all of our future. It’s the appeal of our community and the value of the homes we invest in.
Make a plan and vote yes to renew PPEL on March 5th.
Tiffany Debow
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