fox news host Sean Hannity is undergoing treatment on social media for feeling uncomfortable with the coverage of President Joe Biden Use harsh language in private.
Biden reportedly called Donald Trump a “terrible son of a bitch” and “a son of a bitch” backstage.
Hannity found that unacceptable.
“Biden seems to have dropped the pretense of being a kind, likable, gentle old man, almost like a grandfather,” Hannity said Monday night. “He is now making it perfectly clear that he is as arrogant a lifelong politician as ever.”
Mr. Hannity infamously defended Mr. Trump in 2016 after audio leaked of the then-presidential candidate bragging about the way he treats women.
President Trump said, “If you become a star, they’ll let you do it.” “You can do anything. …Just grab me by the pussy.”
Hannity dismissed Trump’s comments as “locker room talk.”
Trump’s speech Online posts are often littered with abuse, insults and profanity, but Hannity did not condemn the former president for the incident.
Given this history, Hannity’s critics aren’t exactly endorsing his pearl-clutching routine in response to Biden’s reported comments.
Donald Trump once called African countries “shitholes,” said journalists were “pests,” and repeated the Nazi talking point that immigrants “taint our blood.” https://t.co/i5WQW2hJSH
— Matt Flamable (@MaTTFLaMMaBLe) February 6, 2024
Let’s start making a list of all the things Trump calls people: “crazy,” “crooked,” “sick puppies,” etc. I expect some dishonest hypocrisy and lies from Fox, but their complete and utter lack of shame is still astonishing. https://t.co/iNBuMLo9qa
— Khashoggi’s Ghost 🇺🇦🌻 (@UROCKlive1) February 6, 2024
“Oh, the president uses profanity” is not a big deal that the public has never cared about (and has been raised by both parties going back at least to Truman). ).
We all know the president uses profanity. Every president. https://t.co/YiiTXbCRDG
— Dylan Esper (@dilanesper) February 6, 2024
Imagine building this whole image of being a tough guy from Long Island crying because someone used a naughty word to you. Have self-respect https://t.co/I43egOocia
— Some people call me Tim (@timotjb) February 6, 2024
got it @seanhannity. I asked Biden if he had a response on this and he sent me this to share with you, but of course he can’t. Because you blocked me four years ago for saying that no matter how much you lie, Trump will lose. he spat. But here it is anyway: pic.twitter.com/CMeMQMe3bV
— Andrew — Author of America Rises On Substack — Wortman (@AmoneyResists) February 6, 2024
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