Vermont is well known for its amazing natural resources. Communities across the Green Mountain State choose to protect special lands such as forests, river corridors, and wetlands.
In Charlotte, the Charlotte Conservation Fund and Charlotte Land Trust have helped protect the town’s natural resources.
The Conservation Fund is a dedicated fund established by the Town to conserve land and water. This means long-term public investment in land conservation. In 1974, the Town of Norwich established its first local conservation fund. Currently, at least 62 towns have conservation funds, representing about 25 percent of all towns in Vermont.
Community Preservation Funds offer many benefits to towns, including the ability to access and leverage matching funds, advance town goals, and have the flexibility to respond to rapidly moving projects. Beyond the direct dollar value, the Conservation Fund can leverage additional dollars from other sources. Competitive grant programs often require a percentage of matching funds from applicants.
Conservation funds also help the town achieve many urban planning community goals. When an opportunity to protect a critical parcel of land suddenly arises, local conservation funds can expedite protection. A robust conservation fund demonstrates the commitment of townspeople to pay and collaborate on conservation projects.
In 1996, the voters of Charlotte voted Australians to establish the Charlotte Conservation Fund to help achieve maximum protection of the town’s valuable natural and agricultural resources as specified in the City Plan. The vision was to protect not only agricultural soils, but also wildlife habitats and corridors, important natural areas and scenic landscapes, in combination with other public and private funds.
Currently, the Charlotte Conservation Fund is supported by taxpayer dollars. Initially, this fund was included as part of tax revenue, but it is now a budget item approved by the Select Board. The amount requested depends on your ongoing projects and the current balance in your account. Given budget constraints, no funding has been requested for the past two consecutive years.

Applications for use of the Charlotte Conservation Fund should be made to the Select Board. When applying, please contact the respective municipal office. The applicant will make a presentation to the Conservation Commission, Recreation Commission, Trails Commission, and Charlotte Land Trust. These groups will submit comments about the application to the Selectboard, which will review and respond to the application.
In 1986, the Charlotte Land Trust was created, an offshoot of the Agriculture Commission appointed to help develop the new city plan. By 1995, Charlotte Land Trust became a nonprofit 501c(3) corporation. Since then, the Charlotte Land Trust has been in touch with many “Friends of the Charlotte Land Trust” who support its work through donations.
Since 1995, Charlotte Land Trust has acquired 15 conservation easements on local lands, totaling approximately 627 acres. From the beginning, the focus has been on preserving farmland and making it affordable and available to farmers. Other goals are to protect land for wildlife habitat and corridors, public recreation, and scenic or important natural areas. Visit the website to donate.
Charlotteters’ commitment to land conservation and environmentally responsible development is evident in the City of Charlotte’s urban planning and land use regulations.
Charlotte is unlike neighboring towns like Ferrisburg and Hinesburg, which do not have taxpayer-funded protection funds. While Shelburne and Williston have taxpayer-supported conservation funds, we are unique in having both the Charlotte Land Trust and the Charlotte Conservation Fund. The existence of a donor-supported local land trust and a city fund dedicated to acquiring conservation easements is a testament to Charlotte residents’ commitment to conservation.
There’s a saying that if you believe in something, you should put your money where your mouth is. The Charlotte Land Trust and the Charlotte Conservation Fund are proof that our community is committed to protecting and conserving the fields and forests that make our city a special home for humans and the wildlife that lives here.
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