
Friends of the Library board members pose in the lobby of the Will Rogers Library. A sign in the new e-library lobby advertises his 2023 FOL donation fundraiser. They are, from left, James Walker, Connie Jessena, Sharon Doucitt, Barbara Hogan, and Sherry Whistler. Mr. Doucit and Mr. Whistler serve as co-chairs of the Friends Endowment Fund.
Established in 2007, the Friends of the Will Rogers Library Endowment raises money each year to support programs and services provided by local libraries.
Friends hope to raise an additional $10,000. Donation cards are now available at the Will Rogers Library, 1212 N. Florence.
Funds raised provide grants to programs and services that enhance the ability of public libraries to serve thousands of children, parents, grandparents, individuals, and families each year.
Since its inception, the Friends fundraiser has provided more than $153,530 directly to programs at the Claremore Public Library, located at 1212 N. Florence Ave.
This year’s fundraising campaign co-chairs are Sharon Doucitt and Sherry Wissler.

You can check out the hot spot at the Will Rogers Library. This service is made possible by donations to the Friends of the Library Endowment Fund.

Community members will use funds from donations to support the replacement of aging children’s computers at the Will Rogers Library and create checkout “hotspots” (small devices that provide free internet). You can make additional donations. Donations are fully tax deductible and detailed information and donation cards are available in the library lobby.
They say this year alone, the WRL Endowment Fund has committed $21,310 in funding to the following programs and library services: Outreach services to nursing homes, $2,000. $1,000 in lieu of child fine. Summer Reading Program, $2,500. Audio Bestseller, $3,360. Hotspot (half off total cost), $5,500. AWE Computer, $3,550. Program support for all ages, $1,200. WR Park Storywalk, $700. Family movie, $1,500.
“Audiobooks continue to be one of our most popular items. [Will Rogers Library] Dear loyal customers,” the fundraising letter says. “Friends funds the addition of eight new titles to the library’s extensive collection each month.”
Added to the library with Friends in 2015, the child-safe AWE computer now requires an update. These computers are used an average of 1,800 times per year.
“Have you ever wondered what a hotspot is? This little gadget, no bigger than a credit card, that you can check out to provide Internet access to your patrons,” Douthitt said.
Hotspot usage remains high at WRL, with Friends funding half of the $11,000 annual maintenance fee for this popular device.
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