Morgan Guttridge, 10, and Paisley Champagne, 10, are like most young girls. They love jewelry! They decided to turn this into a business and exhibited at the first annual Young Entrepreneurs Expo.
They named their business Scottsboro Bracelet Company (SM.Co). They said they came up with the name one day while just sitting around. Since they loved making jewelry, they decided to start a jewelry business.
Morgan and Paisley had been making bracelets for about six months before the Expo. They also sold a lot of bracelets.
Before the fair, these young jewelry makers sold their products to family and friends. They introduced their colorful bracelets to many new customers at the expo. They plan to remain in business, so if you would like a bracelet, please email them. Contact Morgan at Morgan.Guttridge@ICloud.com or Paisley at PaisleyChampagne@Yahoo.com.
Morgan and Paisley are fifth grade students at Collins Intermediate School. They both say that math is their favorite subject because they are good at it.
The two girls are set to star in the upcoming film Shrek Jr. They belong to the choir and swim team and take tumbling lessons. In addition to these activities, Morgan plays basketball and Paisley plays soccer.
Morgan and Paisley have been friends since birth. Their mother helped and encouraged them in their business endeavors.
Morgan is the daughter of Darlene and Ryan Guttridge and has one older sister, Taylor. Paisley is the daughter of Rhonda and Dale Champagne and has an older brother, Emory. When she is not busy with school responsibilities or other activities, she likes to go boating with me.
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